PDMO Executives

Mrs. Jindarat Viriyataveekul
Public Debt Advisor

Miss Upama Jaihong
Deputy Director-General

Mrs. Chanunporn Phisitvanich
Deputy Director-General

Mr. Paroche Hutachareon
Department Chief Information Officer (DCIO)
According to the Public Debt Management Office at 16/2568.
Dated February 5, 2025.
Events of DCIO PDMO

Mrs. Pannee Sathavarodom
Term positon of
09 October 2002 - 15 November 2006

Mr. Pongpanu Svetarundra
Term positon of
19 November 2006 - 30 September 2009

Mr. Chakkrit Parapuntakul
Term positon of
01 October 2009 - 30 September 2012

Ms. Chularat Suteethorn
Term positon of
01 October 2012 - 30 September 2014

Mr. Kritsda Udyanin
Term positon of
01 October 2014 - 26 March 2015

Mr. Suwit Rojanavanich
Term positon of
27 July 2015 - 30 September 2017

Mr. Prapas Kong-Ied
Term positon of
01 October 2017 - 09 May 2018

Mr. Poomsak Aranyakasemsuk
Term positon of
10 May 2018 - 30 September 2019

Mrs. Patricia Mongkhonvanit
Term positon of
01 October 2019 - 17 December 2023

Term positon of
18 November 2024