Public Debt Data

Manage public debt to a reasonable cost under the specified risk framework

      Non-Financial State Enterprise Debt (Non-Guaranteed Debt) - Domestic Debt and External Debt

      Unit : Million baht
      Download Data : Excel CSV RDF
      As of Jan to the Jan Year 2025 Jan 2025
      Domestic Debt External Debt
      1. Government Organizations 386,561.06 0.00
      The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) 0.00 0.00
      Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC) 0.00 0.00
      Dairy Farmming Promotion Organization of Thailand (DPO) 0.00 0.00
      The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) 126,688.00 0.00
      Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) 0.00 0.00
      The Express Transportation Organization of Thailand (ETO) 0.00 0.00
      The Forest Industry Organization (FIO) 0.00 0.00
      The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) 0.00 0.00
      The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) 80,930.00 0.00
      The Marketing Organization for Farmers (MOFF) 0.00 0.00
      Mass Rapit Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) 0.00 0.00
      The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA) 0.00 0.00
      National Housing Authority (NHA) 1,025.70 0.00
      Port Authority of Thailand (PAT) 0.00 0.00
      Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) 163,280.00 0.00
      Public Warehouse Organization (PWO) 0.00 0.00
      The Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) 14,631.66 0.00
      Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT) 5.70 0.00
      The State Railway of Thailand (SRT) 0.00 0.00
      Thai Battery Organization (TBO)** 0.00 0.00
      The Tanning Organization (TTO)** 0.00 0.00
      Office of The Government Pawshop (PAWN)*** 0.00 0.00
      The Government Pharmaceutical Organization 0.00 0.00
      2. Public Company and Public Limited Company 155,456.21 9,931.91
      Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. (AERO) 900.00 0.00
      The Bangchak Petroleum Public Co.,Ltd. (BPC)* 0.00 0.00
      Telecom Public Company Limited (CAT) 0.00 0.00
      Krungthai Computer Service Co.,Ltd. (KTBCS) 521.18 0.00
      Krung Thai Business Service Co.,Ltd. (KTBGS) 0.00 0.00
      Airports of Thailand Public Co.,Ltd. (AOT) 0.00 0.00
      PTT Exploration and Production Public Co.,Ltd. (PEPC)* 0.00 0.00
      PTTEP International Limited (PEPI)* 0.00 0.00
      Public Company Limited (PTT) 134,000.00 9,931.91
      บริษัท ปตท. น้ำมันและการค้าปลีก จำกัด (มหาชน) (PTTOR) 0.00 0.00
      บริษัท PTT International Trading Singapore (PTTSG) 0.00 0.00
      Thai Airway Intemational Public Co., Ltd. (THAI)* 0.00 0.00
      Public Company Limited (TOT) 0.00 0.00
      The Thai Plywood Company Limited (TTPC)** 0.00 0.00
      The Bangkok Dock Company (BDC) 4.73 0.00
      Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel Company Limited (SAH) 0.00 0.00
      District Cooling System and Power Plant Co., Ltd (DCAP) 1,012.08 0.00
      Dhanarak Asset Development Co.,LTD. (DAD) 17,384.60 0.00
      บริษัท อสมท. จำกัด (มหาชน) (MOCT) 796.62 0.00
      บริษัท พีอีเอ เอ็นคอม อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล จำกัด (PEA ENCOM) 837.00 0.00
      Total 542,017.27 9,931.91
      Rate 0.00 33.80
      As of Jan to the Jan Year 2025
      1. Government Organizations
      The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA)
      Civil Aviation Training Center (CATC)
      Dairy Farmming Promotion Organization of Thailand (DPO)
      The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)
      Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT)
      The Express Transportation Organization of Thailand (ETO)
      The Forest Industry Organization (FIO)
      The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT)
      The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)
      The Marketing Organization for Farmers (MOFF)
      Mass Rapit Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA)
      The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (MWA)
      National Housing Authority (NHA)
      Port Authority of Thailand (PAT)
      Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
      Public Warehouse Organization (PWO)
      The Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA)
      Rubber Authority of Thailand (RAOT)
      The State Railway of Thailand (SRT)
      Thai Battery Organization (TBO)**
      The Tanning Organization (TTO)**
      Office of The Government Pawshop (PAWN)***
      The Government Pharmaceutical Organization
      2. Public Company and Public Limited Company
      Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. (AERO)
      The Bangchak Petroleum Public Co.,Ltd. (BPC)*
      Telecom Public Company Limited (CAT)
      Krungthai Computer Service Co.,Ltd. (KTBCS)
      Krung Thai Business Service Co.,Ltd. (KTBGS)
      Airports of Thailand Public Co.,Ltd. (AOT)
      PTT Exploration and Production Public Co.,Ltd. (PEPC)*
      PTTEP International Limited (PEPI)*
      Public Company Limited (PTT)
      บริษัท ปตท. น้ำมันและการค้าปลีก จำกัด (มหาชน) (PTTOR)
      บริษัท PTT International Trading Singapore (PTTSG)
      Thai Airway Intemational Public Co., Ltd. (THAI)*
      Public Company Limited (TOT)
      The Thai Plywood Company Limited (TTPC)**
      The Bangkok Dock Company (BDC)
      Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel Company Limited (SAH)
      District Cooling System and Power Plant Co., Ltd (DCAP)
      Dhanarak Asset Development Co.,LTD. (DAD)
      บริษัท อสมท. จำกัด (มหาชน) (MOCT)
      บริษัท พีอีเอ เอ็นคอม อินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล จำกัด (PEA ENCOM)
      Jan 2025
      Domestic Debt External Debt
      386,561.06 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      126,688.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      80,930.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      1,025.70 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      163,280.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      14,631.66 0.00
      5.70 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      155,456.21 9,931.91
      900.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      521.18 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      134,000.00 9,931.91
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      4.73 0.00
      0.00 0.00
      1,012.08 0.00
      17,384.60 0.00
      796.62 0.00
      837.00 0.00
      542,017.27 9,931.91
      0.00 33.80

      Responsible man
      1. Miss Sofeeyah Hayeehama Economist, Practitioner Level (Tel) : 02 265 8050 Ext. 5520
      2. Miss Kadkaew Puongphet Economist, Professional Level (Tel) : 02 265 8050 Ext. 5205

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      เว็บไซต์ของเราจะจัดเก็บคุกกี้เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ในการปรับปรุงประสบการณ์ของผู้ใช้ให้ดียิ่งขึ้น คุณสามารถเลือกที่จะยินยอมหรือไม่ยินยอมคุกกี้ของเราได้ ในกรณีที่ท่านไม่ทำการเลือกจะถือว่าท่านไม่ยินยอมการจัดเก็บคุกกี้ คลิกดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม นโยบายการคุ้มครองข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล